Scientists discover parasites that can eat fish tongue and replace it

2021-11-22 11:17:21 By : Mr. Michael Yu

Officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have discovered a strange parasite that eats the tongue of fish and takes its place. Officials discovered for the first time that this parasite not only eats the tongue of the fish, but also replaces the organs and begins to feed on the mucus in the mouth.

According to experts who have seen it with their own eyes, this strange creature is called sea bream suffocating isopod and tongue-eating lice, similar to pill bugs. A picture of a parasite in a fish’s mouth circulated on social media, confusing many people. According to officials, the parasite-containing fish was found in Galveston Island State Park. 

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This is the first time scientists have seen parasites replace entire organs in the host. The Huffington Post supported this claim, saying it was "the only known example of a parasite replacing a host organ." Essentially, the parasite becomes part of the fish and lives on the mucus discharged from the fish’s mouth. It is not yet clear what long-term effects of placing this parasite in the fish’s mouth will have.

Scientists are currently unable to explain how this is possible, but officials say this parasite "will not kill fish or affect humans." Nevertheless, the news about the presence of monitor lizards in fish mouths has raised questions about the human health and safety of this parasite. Officials said that although the parasite sounds as scary as the movie, it is not deadly. In a Facebook post, they clarified that this creature will not kill fish or humans.

Despite the assurances, many social media users found this news shocking. "Thanks for the new nightmare material. The old monster is getting boring," one commenter said.

Main image is from Galveston Island State Park-Texas Parks and Wildlife

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Officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have discovered a strange parasite that eats the tongue of fish and takes its place. Officials discovered for the first time that this parasite not only eats the tongue of the fish, but also replaces the organs and begins to feed on the mucus in the mouth.