Five Forest-dependent Birds that Return in Early Spring | Audubon New York

2022-05-21 17:48:07 By : Mr. Mark Li

Black-and-white Warbler. Photo: Ray Hennessy/Shutterstock Black-and-white Warbler. Photo: Ray Hennessy/Shutterstock

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As we enter spring and welcome the warm weather, we are seeing more birds come back from their wintering grounds. Many forest birds migrate long distances to their breeding locations in the spring. It is crucial that these birds have quality habitat so they can nest , feed , and raise their young to ensure the next generation of the species.

Most neotropical migrants leave the northeast in September and return in April and May. Each bird species has different habitat requirements, so it is key to have a healthy and diverse forest to fulfill all their needs. A healthy forest is composed of multiple age classes and species of trees, provides ecosystem services, and supports forest birds and other wildlife.  

Among the earliest migrants, this flycatcher arrives back north at the beginning of spring.  Eastern Phoebes are brownish grey on top with white on their bellies and can usually be found perched low in trees or on fences.  

This bird favors mature, open wood s during the breeding season . Eastern Phoebes are common along streamsides , wooded parks, and forests with semi-open canop ies .   In migration and winter, they are found in young forest patches in mature woods , brushy areas, and  near water. Eastern Phoebes have short, thin bills used for catching insects. Insects make up a great majority of their summer diet, and berries are eaten often during the cooler months.    

In the spring, you’ll know a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is nearby when you hear their cat-like calls and staccato drumming. With essentially no overlap between summer and winter ranges, they are one of the most migratory o f woodpecker specie s.  

This bird is mainly black and white with a boldly patterned face. Both males and females have red foreheads, but only males have red throats. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers perch upright in trees by using their tails to lean on. Their diet includes insects, tree sap, and fruit. They are found in mixed hardwood and conifer forests, and favor aspen , poplar, and birch groves for nesting . They excavate their tree cavity nest site in snags or dead limbs on living trees.  

While Eastern Towhees tend to be permanent residents in warmer climate s down south, most of the ones in the north are migratory. This bird has a white belly with reddish-brown sides. Males have black above and on the breast, where females have rich brown. Northern species have red eyes .  

Eastern Towhees diets vary with season and region but eat mostly insects, seeds, and berries. They are birds of the undergrowth, and need dense thickets or young, regenerating forest for breeding habitat. You can often find them foraging for insects in l eaf litter in deciduous and mixed forests. Many times, this bird is first noticed by the sounds of industrious scratching in the leaf-litter under dense thickets.  

Most likely to be found along wetlands, streams , and lake shores , Northern Waterthrush es are often shy and hard to appr oach. This bird m igrates mostly at night and does not migrate north as early in spring as the Louisiana Waterthrush.  

This species nests in multiple age classes in mixed coniferous and deciduous forests with standing and running water .  Once the young have left the nest or “fledged” , this species can be found f oraging near the ground by streams, brooks or wetlands . T he bulk of their diet consists of aquatic and terrestrial insects, and the y will occasionally feed on small crustaceans and other invertebrates.  

Thanks to its easy-to-identify boldly striped black and white pattern, and their easy to learn song reminiscent of a squeaky wheel, the Black-and-white Warbler is often a favorite among beginning birders . This bird is one of the earliest warblers to arrive during spring migration .  

Once known as the ‘Black-and-white Creeper,’ these birds act more like nuthatches or creepers than warblers. They climb about on the trucks and major limbs of trees, foraging for hidden insects in the bark. Black-and-white Warblers can be found nest ing no more than 2 feet above, in deciduous and mixed forests with multiple age classes ( including healthy understory, midstory and overstory trees) .  

Learn more about why healthy New York forests are essential for birds and people.

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As a state office of the National Audubon Society, our mission is to protect birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. The National Audubon Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our federal tax ID number is 13-1624102.

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