Why these friendly cat breeds can't get enough attention

2021-11-22 11:13:30 By : Mr. James wang

When choosing a feline companion, the friendliest cat breed is usually the most needed. According to many scientists, years of domestication have made cats more sociable and accustomed to human life.

In a 2014 report, scientists discovered 13 genes in domestic cats. Compared with their wild cat sisters, they have apparently adapted, indicating that they have become more friendly and domesticated.

However, knowing which cat is the friendliest can be difficult, and sometimes finding a more affectionate cat can mean that your cat needs too much attention.

So, which cats are classified as friendly cat breeds, and why are they so?

Newsweek consulted experts about the most amiable kittens and what to do if your kittens become too in need.

When talking with experts on this issue, most veterinarians said that when it comes to cats, it is much more difficult to choose some "friendly" breeds. Some people even say that it is impossible to distinguish a more friendly breed from another breed.

This is because unlike dogs, most purebred cats are bred based on physical attributes rather than personality characteristics.

Dr. Jo Myers, a veterinary expert at JustAnswer, told Newsweek: "The "breeds" of cats are far less than what we think of dog breeds...After all, it is even questionable whether or even no cats are truly domesticated.

Dr. Myers explained how most cats are not the offspring or related of any type of purebred cats, which are inherently "fluffy little obligate carnivores and predators".

Therefore, her view is that no particular type of cat is more friendly than another.

Rover's cat behavior expert Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado agreed and told Newsweek that the best way to learn which breeds are the most friendly is to meet them and learn about their personalities.

She said: "Recent studies have shown that owners of thoroughbred horses do report some breed differences, but these studies often yield conflicting results, and they don't always focus on'friendliness'." More needed Research to really connect cat breeds and personality. "

"My suggestion is that if you want to adopt or buy a cat, being'friendly'-no matter how you explain it!-is the most important question. Go and meet the cat first and see if you get involved with them. One, love their personality!"

Dr. Woodnut told Newsweek: "All cats are individuals, and their personalities vary greatly, from overly friendly to indifferent. In addition, the way cats are raised can have a big impact on their friendliness."

"It is inevitable that cats raised in a good environment have specialized breeders to take care of them regularly. They will be much friendlier than kittens born to wild mothers and trapped when they were young."

Nonetheless, according to Dr. Joanna Woodnutt of Veterinary Content Company and Dr. Emily Wilson of Fuzzy-The Pet Parent Company, certain species generally seem to be better at coping with human interaction.

She cited Siamese, Ragdoll and Persian cats, which are known to be more human friendly cats.

Dr. Wilson agreed with these breeds and added the Maine Coon and Sphinx.

Siamese cats can speak very well, meow and communicate with humans in this way, while ragdoll cats are particularly relaxed.

In an interview with Newsweek, Dr. Wilson said: "Maine Coon cats are big cats with a friendly and sweet personality. They often thrive in families with children..."

"Sphynx cats have a unique hairless appearance and sweet but comedic personality, which makes them excellent family cats. They often like to be the focus of attention at home and participate in daily activities."

Although having cats that get along well with humans is a plus, sometimes pet owners may need a lot of attention. This is especially true if there are children or other animals in the house that need to be cared for.

Dr. Delgado recommends that it is important to avoid rewarding cats for bad behavior with food and attention, and make sure your cat knows that they have not trained you to behave in a certain way.

She believes that daily life is essential to stop cats from taking action, she said: “You can also help “in need” cats by ensuring regular attention, diet, and care (such as cleaning the litter box every day). . If you need help training your cat or dealing with inappropriate behavior, I suggest you talk to a veterinary behaviorist or other behavioral expert!"

Dr. Myers also said that if your cat is seeking a lot of attention, it is best to consult a veterinarian, as this may be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs to be investigated. Examples of hyperthyroidism, arthritis, or dental disease can be seen in cats responding to human pain.

She said: "Like many unwelcome pet behaviors, it is always important to address any underlying medical problems that can lead to a sudden increase in attention-seeking behavior...

"A seemingly subtle disease like high blood pressure can also lead to more aggressive attention-seeking behavior. Therefore, the first step is to have the vet thoroughly evaluate your cat."

Dr. Wilson and other veterinarians also recommend puzzles, scratching, and other activities to help cats continue to use their natural cat behaviors to prevent their needs.

This extra stimulation and abundance can keep them busy and help them exercise and spend time outdoors.

She said: “For cats who desire outdoor experiences, catios is a safe way for pet parents to let them experience outdoor activities.

"Increasing environmental abundance can help cat owners and family members when they are away from home, but it is also important to integrate time into your daily life for brushing, petting, or playing with cats. These activities will help strengthen the relationship between cats and cats. Contact. Their pet parents."

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